Let’s work together

Partner with Us in the Fight Against Single-Use Cups!

Keen to collaborate? Here's a snapshot of what our partnership journey looks like:

  1. Storage: Every Wangim cup's journey begins at a pristine coffee station.

  2. Service: staff introduce the cups, with a sample prominently displayed at the point of sale. The cups are free for cafes and customers and are supported by Darebin City Council.

  3. Return: Customers can conveniently drop off used cups either directly with a staff member or in a dedicated Wangim container. Plus, cups can be returned to your café or any other Wangim Cup Project location.

  4. Cleaning: Each cup undergoes a rigorous cleaning process in a food service dishwasher, as frequently as needed.

  5. Ready to Roll: After a good scrub, cups are dried and primed for their next coffee adventure at the sanitised station.

Eager to hop on board? Fill in your details, and we'll chat soon.

Excited to start this sustainable journey with you!